Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“’Typhoid Fever’– Present Tense Childhood Memory.”

I am seven years old and I am at the park around the corner from my house and its my birthday.I'm so happy because my mom made me a doll cake.My friends and I loved to play on the swinges,the slide and go fast around the tire wheel.Out of all that my favorite is playing hide Next our parents would barbeque hot dogs and ham burgers and we have chips and juice. I love to eat my chips on my burgers and my friends all thought I am weird.Lastly we took turns hotting the pinata and when we ate my delicious cake that my mom spent a long time on and everyone loved it.


  1. Sounds so fun! My friends still thinks i'm weird because I eat my my burgers on my chips.

  2. You might want to go proofread your work because it does not make any sense, other than that your story was great.

  3. I understood your story and it was good. Nice (:
